简介:原定19-20年度播出的FOX新剧《智能逆袭 neXT》因疫情而延期,现在FOX确定它会离开原定的周一档,改为在周二档﹑美国时间10月6日首播。 AI题材惊悚剧《智能逆袭》由《24小时:遗产 24 Legacy》主创之一Manny Coto﹑《我们这一天 This Is Us》两位幕后John R
简介:这是一个真实的故事。盖瑞(丹尼尔•戴-刘易斯 Daniel Day Lewis 饰)生活于当年战火纷飞的北爱尔兰,那时北爱共和军正致力于反对英国的殖民统治。年轻的盖瑞整日无所事事,偷鸡摸狗,无意间得罪了北爱共和军。 无奈之下,其父(皮特•波斯尔思韦特 Pete Postlethwaite 饰)只能
简介:When his daughter is brutally murdered and legal justice looks unlikely, William Duncan takes the law into his own hands, setting out on a quest for r
简介:A comic celebration of dreamers and their dreams, LIVING IN OBLIVION is the second film written and directed by Tom DiCillo. With a tone that teeters