简介: In the midst of his divorce with Maria and in addition to his father's medical problems, Peter decides to go to Tulum for a surprise bachelor party
简介:Dominique, a well-trained assassin, flees from her troubled past in an attempt to begin a new life in South America. However, she soon finds herself i
简介: 【雙面天才】(Genius)是迪士尼所製作的一部TV電影,於1999年於美國的迪士尼頻道首度播出。 本片故事敘述有一位天才少年 Charlie Boyle,小小年紀就因為天資聰穎,獲准保送到大學去就讀,他因此開始他新鮮人的生活,然而畢竟跟其他人不同,一開始日子過的有點尷尬,尤其指導他的 Kri
简介:The plot features Eugenio, a young jeweller who in the late sixties meets Conchita on a bus in Barcelona. They instantly fall in love and he learns to