简介:Ellen Carter's career is on the rocks. She hasn't written a worthy novel since her husband went missing and she was suspected by the police of murderi
简介:影片以“伪纪录片”的形式再现了伪造了轰动一时的“罗斯维尔事件”丑闻的始末。1995年,一部记录1947年7月4日美国新墨西哥州罗斯维尔飞碟坠毁事件后,美国军方科学家对外星人尸体进行解剖的黑白纪录片被证明是一场骗局,引起了世人极大的轰动。拍摄这部解剖外星人短片的年轻人雷·桑蒂利(德科兰·当纳利 Dec
简介:A straight-laced young woman, in fierce denial of being diagnosed with terminal melanoma, finds herself carried away on an impulsive adventure by a qu
简介:富家小子查理·巴特利(安东·叶利钦 Anton Yelchin 饰)同时是一位点子奇多的中学生,因此履出状况的他常常被各个私立学校拒绝甚至开除,迫于无奈,父母只好让查理进入一所鱼龙混杂的公立学校念书。初来乍到的查理难免被学校里的小霸王欺负得鼻青脸肿,然而很快,鬼马的查理就为自己的小聪明找到了的用武之
简介:入围第71届柏林电影节德国电影视角单元。 As she enters retirement, a mother leaves behind her solitary life in rural Germany and memories of a once perfect family life a