简介:In a world tormented by the Horror, the citizens of Birdabad accept the egg-eating tyranny of Kondor and his carrion crew as the price of safety. Gath
简介:Just before Christmas, department store clerk Steve Mason meets big spending customer Connie Ennis, really a commercial spy. He unmasks her but lets h
简介:一向以搞怪鬼马著称的范·怀尔德(乔纳森·本内特 Jonathan Bennett 饰)刚刚告别高中时代,步入大学。然而他所就读的大学可不简单,怀尔德祖辈几代人都曾在这所军校进修并创下了属于怀尔德家族的光荣,学校不仅军规森严,禁止一切舞会活动,更不巧的是,军校校长还曾是怀尔德父亲学生时代的死对头,一心